The schedule for second semester has been adjusted to better support student learning and provide more live instruction. This will also allow for a smooth transition to a hybrid schedule. The remote schedule shown below will begin at the start of second semester...
Class News
Online etiquette for parents
Let’s face it, as great as Dearborn Public School parents are, for the most part, they were not spending their days in the classrooms at our schools before last year. But then COVD-19 dumped those classrooms into your house and now everyone is navigating...
DCMST Parent-Teacher Conferences
Virtual Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for November 12th and November 19th from 3:20pm-7:00pm. Conference times for November 12th will be by invitation only for the parents/guardians of students we most need to talk to. 10-minute conferences for any other...
No Live Zoom for DCMST Open House
Due to scheduling conflicts there will be no live Zoom for DCMST's Open House tonight. Instead feel free to look through the information on the slideshow that was posted earlier. If you have any questions feel free to email our principal Dr. Green at...
Open House Slideshow
Below is the DCMST Virtual Open House slideshow. We are not doing a live Open House Zoom tonight.
Schoology Parent Logins
Yesterday every parent with an email in the system should have received an email with information to log in to Schoology. This way you can see what assignments your child is completing as well as communicate directly with your child's teacher. We also will be using...
Schoology for Parents
Dear Parents/Guardians, Dearborn Public Schools is now using Schoology, an integrated learning management solution that provides course management, mobile learning, and support for system-wide communication. Schoology enables our students, parents, and teachers...
Materials Drop-off/Distribution and 9th/10th grade Orientation
DCMST will be having a materials drop-off/distribution NEXT WEEK. 10th-12th graders must bring books from last year and all students will be picking up new ones. The schedule is as follows: Wednesday, September 9th: 9-9:45 AM Seniors, 10-10:45 AM JuniorsThursday...
District changing to 2 card markings per semester for High School Students
The district has decided to move from six marking periods per year to four. The move to quarters was made to simplify the grading and communication process. This will not change how parents look online and get live feedback on grades. Parent teacher conference...
Schoology Update!
Schoology will be available for students Monday morning. They will sign in using Google (Dearborn Account).To sign into a Chromebook, students use their district credentials: - User Name = Student Number- Password = whatever they set it as last year, we did NOT change...