DCMST School News

Online etiquette for parents

Let’s face it, as great as Dearborn Public School parents are, for the most part, they were not spending  their days in the classrooms at our schools before last year. 

But then COVD-19 dumped those classrooms into your house and now everyone is navigating this new method of delivering education. To help parents and students with online learning, we have compiled some etiquette tips for parents. We know that most families follow good protocols, but hopefully, this will help if some clarification is needed. We thank you in advance for that cooperation.  


Please make sure students are prepared and participating. Ensure supplies and materials are ready,  and computers are charged or plugged in. Please make sure students log in on time. If you want your  child to get the most out of class, insist they turn on their camera even if the teacher does not require it.  

Remember teachers are there to teach your child. Teachers are managing their class and providing  instruction directed to your child. Please do not interrupt class with your questions or concerns. Those  are best emailed to the teacher. 

Be respectful. Teachers have had a difficult year too, and are working hard to make the best of a  situation they never expected to be in. Be patient and courteous. If you have concerns, please politely  bring those to the teacher outside of class time through email. Inappropriate language and demeaning or  aggressive behavior are not permitted. 

Don’t hover. Allow your child to interact with the teacher and do their own homework and  assessments. We always encourage parents to be involved and support their children in their learning,  but to learn and develop independence, each child needs to be engaged and doing his or her own work.  (Obviously our youngest students probably need more help from the adults at home.) 

Watch the background. Be aware that, depending on how your child’s camera and microphone are set  up, the behavior of you and others could be transmitted to the entire class. Be mindful of how you are  dressed, the language being used, and other such matters. 

Technology issues. Issues with technology will happen from time to time for a variety of reasons.  Please be patient when issues occur. For technical questions about your Chromebook, Schoology or  Zoom, please contact our parent and student tech support at parenthelp@dearbornschools.org or 313- 827-8400. 

Thank you for all your help! Together, we will make the best of this difficult year.

قواعد سلوك األهالي على اإلنترنت 

ىْ٘اجٔ األٍش، سغٌ عظَخ إٔبىً ٍذاسط دٌشثُ٘ اىعبٍخ، إال أُ ٍعظٌَٖ ىٌ ٌقض٘ا أٌبٌٍٖ فً صف٘ف اىذساعخ أالفزشاضٍخ فً ٍذاسعْب  قجو اىعبً اىَْصشً. 

صٌ أىقذ جبئحخ م٘فٍذ-91 ثحَو مو ٕزٓ اىصف٘ف فً ٍْبصىنٌ ٗأصجح مو ٗاحذ ٍْنٌ ٌغزنشف ٕزٓ اى٘عٍيخ اىجذٌذح ىزأٍٍِ اىزعيٌٍ. ٗىزىل،  ٍِٗ أجو ٍغبعذح األٕبىً ٗاىطالة، قَْب ثجَع ثعض اىْصبئح ح٘ه ق٘اعذ اىغي٘ك عيى اإلّزشّذ. ّعشف أُ ٍعظٌ اىعبئالد رزجع ٍشاعٌ  )ثشٗر٘م٘الد( جٍذح، ىنْْب ّأٍو ثبىَغبعذح عيى ر٘ضٍح ثعض األٍ٘س إرا دعذ اىحبجخ. مَب ّقذً ىنٌ شنشّب اىَغجق عيى رعبّٗنٌ. 


انزجاء انتأكذ مه جهىسية ومشاركة انطالب. رأمذٗا ٍِ جٖ٘صٌخ اىي٘اصً ٗاىَ٘اد، ٍِٗ أُ اىح٘اعت اَىٍخ ٍشحّ٘خ أٗ ٍ٘ص٘ىخ إىى  اىنٖشثبء. مَب ّشج٘مٌ اىزأمذ ٍِ رغجٍو دخ٘ه اىطالة إىى صف٘ف اىذساعخ اإلفزشاضٍخ عيى اى٘قذ اىَطي٘ة. ٗإرا أسدرٌ ٍِ  أٗالدمٌ/ثْبرنٌ أُ ٌغزفٍذٗا ٍِ صف٘فٌٖ إىى اىحذ األقصى، أصشٗا عيى فزح اىنبٍٍشا حزى إرا ىٌ ٌطيت اىَذسط/اىَذسعخ رىل. 

تذكزوا أن انمذرسيه/انمذرسات يتىاجذون نتعهيم أوالدكم/بىاتكم. ٌقً٘ اىَذسعُ٘/اىَذسعبد ثإداسح اىصف٘ف ٗرأٍٍِ اىزذسٌظ ألطفبىنٌ.  اىشجبء عذً ٍقبطعخ اىصف ثأعئيزنٌ أٗ قيقنٌ. ٍِ األفضو ر٘جٍٔ رىل إىى اىَذسط/اىَذسعخ عجش اىجشٌذ اإلىنزشًّٗ. 

أظهزوا إحتزامكم. اىَذسعُ٘/اىَذسعبد ٌ٘اجُٖ٘ عْخ صعجخ أٌضب، ٌٗعَيُ٘ ثجٖذ ىـزأٍٍِ األفضو فً ظشٗف ىٌ ٌز٘قع٘ا أُ ٌنّ٘٘ا  فٍٖب. مّ٘٘ا صج٘سٌِ ٗىطٍفٍِ. إرا مبُ ىذٌنٌ أي قيق، أعيَ٘ا اىَذسط/اىَذسعخ ثزىل فً سعبىخ ثشٌذ إىنزشٍّٗخ خبسط أٗقبد دٗاً  اىصف، عيَب ثأّٔ ٍِ غٍش اىَقج٘ه إعزخذاً ىغخ غٍش ٍْبعجخ ٗعي٘ك ٍٍِٖ أٗ عذائً. 

ال تحىمىا حىل انطالب/انطانبات. إعَح٘ا ألطفبىنٌ أُ ٌز٘اصي٘ا ٍع اىَذسط ٗاىقٍبً ثفشٗضٌٖ ٗٗاججبرٌٖ ٗإخزجبسارٌٖ. صحٍح أّْب دائَب  ٍب ّشجع األٕبىً عيى ٍشبسمخ ٍٗغبّذح أطفبىٌٖ عيى اىزعيٌ، ىنِ مو طفو/طفيخ ثحبجخ إىى اإلىزضاً ٗاىقٍبً ثعَئ/عَيٖب ٍِ أجو رعيٌ  ٗرطٌ٘شاإلعزقالىٍخ. )ٍِ اىطجٍعً أُ ٌحزبط اىطالة األصغش عْب إىى ٍغبعذح أمضش ٍِ اىشاشذٌِ فً اىَْضه(. 

إوتبهىا نخهفية انحصة انذراسية. مّ٘٘ا حزسٌِ ألّٔ ٍِ اىََنِ ثش رصشفبرنٌ ٗرصشفبد اَخشٌِ إىى مبٍو اىصف، حغت ٗضعٍخ  اىنبٍٍشا ٗاىٍَنشٗفُ٘ فً أجٖضح اىحبعت اىخبصخ ثأطفبىنٌ. أّزجٖ٘ا ىنٍفٍخ ىجغنٌ، اىيغخ اىَغزخذٍخ، ٗغٍش رىل ٍِ األٍ٘س. 

انمشاكم انتقىية. عز٘اجٖنٌ ٍشبمو رقٍْخ ٍِ حٍِ َخش ٗألعجبة ٍزعذدح.اىشجبء اىزحيً ثبىصجش عْذ حذٗس رىل. ٌَٗنْنٌ عْذ ٍ٘اجٖخ  أٌخ ٍشبمو فً جٖبص اىنشًٗ ث٘ك (Chromebook ،(عن٘ى٘جً (Schoology ،(أٗ صًٗٗ (Zoom (اإلرصبه ثبىَغبعذح اىزقٍْخ ىألٕو  ٗاىطالة عِ طشٌق org.dearbornschools@parenthelp أٗ اىٖبرف سقٌ 88<0-8:0;( 9. ); 

شكزا نمساعذتكم! معا، يمكىىا أن وعمم األفضم في هذي انسىة انصعبة.