This year, for the first time, the American Mathematics Competition (AMC) was given online. 60 DCMST students participated (30 for the AMC 10 and 30 for the AMC 12). No students this year qualified for the AIME (part 2 of the competition), but we want to congratulate...
Class News
Congratulations to the DCMST Science Fair Winners!
All students that take AP Research as an elective in their Junior or Senior Year are able to participate in the DCMST's annual Science Fair. This year, for the first time ever, our fair went virtual. Thank you to the following judges for scoring this year and giving...
DCMST Hybrid Parent Letter Feb 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians, As we plan our return to school, we are excited to see all of our DCMST students back in the building. We have worked tirelessly for a safe and smooth transition. Below is important information to keep you informed on the processes and...
8th grade Student Q&A Session Tomorrow!
Tomorrow, Friday, February 19th, is the open Question and Answer Zoom session for any current 8th grade student that is interested in attending DCMST in the Fall. This session is meant only for students; Parents had the opportunity to ask questions at the February...
Covid Health Screening Information
Below are links to the COVID Health Screening Tool. Parents are expected to use this tool every morning before sending their children to school. 1-Student-COVID-19-screening-tool-English-021621Download 2-Student-COVID-screening-Arabic-010721Download Also, per our...
No School 2/12 – 2/15; Asynchronous Learning 2/11 and 2/16
Thursday, February 12th will be an asynchronous learning day for all students across the district due to the availability of vaccination appointments for teachers across the district. There is no school Friday, February 12th, and Monday, February 15th, due to the...
Informational Meeting for Parents of 8th grade Students
There will be an informational meeting for parents that are interested in their current 8th graders that want to attend DCMST in the Fall. It will held via Zoom at the link below on Wednesday, February 10th at 7PM....
In need of judges for DCMST’s first Virtual Science Fair
This year DCMST's science fair is going virtual! The fair will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, February 23rd from 1:15pm - 3pm. We are in need of judges that have experience in any of the following fields: Computer Science, Psychology, Social Science, Biology, Ecology,...
Applications now open for 8th grade students
DCMST is now taking applications for current 8th-grade students that would like to enter our program starting Fall 2021. All current 8th graders that are on track to successfully complete Algebra 1 by June 2021 are eligible to apply. Students must attend either...
Schedule for Upcoming Half-Days
Friday, January 22nd1/2 Day StudentsB Day Zoom-Synchronous Only4th Hour8:15-9:155th Hour9:20-10:206th Hour10:25-11:25 Monday, January 25th1/2 Day StudentsAM Zoom-Synchronous Only1st Hour8:00-9:002nd Hour9:05-10:053rd Hour10:10-11:10 Tuesday, January 26th1/2 Day...