DCMST School News

Class News

Student Test-Out Information

Here is the link to the 2022-23 Winter World Language Test-Out Registration Form that students must fill out to request a testout. The dates for each building are listed below. The deadline for submission is Monday, November 14 at 3:00pm. EFHS- Monday, November 21  at...

Letter from Wayne County Prosecutor about School Violence

Please read the attached letter from Wayne Country Prosecutor Kym Worthy about students making comments/jokes/threats about school violence. Prosecutor-Worthy-School-Threat-Letter-2021-EnglishDownload Prosecutor-Worthy-School-Threat-Letter-2021-ArabicDownload

DCMST Open House Tonight!

DCMST Open House Tonight!

The DCMST welcomes all parents to attend our IN-PERSON Open House on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022.  All teachers will be available in their classrooms from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.  We will not be running on a schedule, and you may come and go as you wish.  Below is a list...

Superintendent Student Advisory Committee

Students interested in being part of the Superintendent Student Advisory Committee need to have their application submitted by September 18. This is a great leadership opportunity open to ALL students! It will require that you have time to lead...

Required Form for Student Drivers

If a student is planning to drive to the Dearborn Heights Campus, they must fill out the following Google Form with a parent/guardian BEFORE driving to our campus. Student Permission to Drive to Dearborn Heights Campus (22-23)

Meet and Greet with Principals & Superintendent

Dear MBCC, Magnet HS, DCMST and STEM MS families, Please join us for a casual meet and greet with Amal Alcodray, Director of MBCC, CTE, Magnet HS, DCMST, and Stem MS and Superintendent Maleyko. AUGUST 30, 2022 AT THE MICHAEL BERRY CENTER LECTURE HALL AT 4:00pm

Welcome Message from DCMST’s new Director

August 25, 2022 Greetings, I am both excited and honored to join the Michael Berry Community as Director of the Michael Berry Career Center, Magnet, DCMST and STEM Middle School. I am very passionate about education and I look forward to partnering with you to provide...

No School Wednesday – Updated Finals Schedule

Due to forecasted temperatures and a heat index of over 105 degrees, all Dearborn Public Schools will be closed on June 15, 2022. All staff and students will not attend on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. Thursday, June 16th, will now be a 1-2-3 half day. 11th-grade students...