DCMST School News

Class News

Student Access Resolved

Good news. The issue with student access has been resolved. Students can once again sign in and continue learning.

Student Access Resolved

Good news. The issue with student access has been resolved. Students can once again sign in and continue learning.

Student email and account access

We are aware of an issue involving student email and accounts. This means that students may not be able to access their email, Clever, MobyMax, etc. We are working on a resolution. We hope to have access restored quickly.

DCMST Final Exam Schedule

Here is the list of when DCMST Finals will be taking place. Wednesday, June 6 - 10th grade Biology Final - All afternoon Thursday, June 7 - 9th grade Integrated Math 2 Final - All Afternoon Friday, June 8 - 11th grade Physics Final - All Morning Friday, June 8 - 9th...

Lockdown: September 25

September 25, 2017 Dear Parents,   As part of our ongoing effort to keep an open line of communication with our parents, I would like to take a moment to share information with you regarding an incident that occurred today in our neighborhood.    Early this...