Mon 1/21 MLK day no school!! Tues 1/22 is a half-day with hours 1-3 DCMST am students only Wed 1/23 is a half -day with hours 4-6 DCMST pm students only in the morning Thurs 1/24 & Fri 1/25 are regular school days!
Class News
DCMST Final Exam Schedule
9th grade final exams: AP Computer Science Principles--Thu 1/10 during hours 4-6 H Chemistry--Fri 1/11 during hours 4-6 Int Math II--Mon 1/14 during hours 4-6 10th grade final exam: H Biology--Tues 1/15 during hours 4-6 Wed 1/16 is a half-day with final exams...
DCMST meeting for prospective parents
We have scheduled our informational meeting for January 29, 2019 from 6-7 pm in the MBCC lecture hall at the Heights Campus. This meeting is for parents of students currently in 8th grade and enrolled in Algebra 1. We will discuss the program and requirements for...

Congratulations to Mrs. Shawver who was recognized by Stanford University
Kimberly Shawver was recently recognized by Stanford University for exceptional teaching. She was nominated by recent DCMST alumnus and current Stanford student Noor Fakih. We are very proud of Mrs. Shawver's dedication to her students!
Former DCMST Student Earns Trip to Oxford
Upcoming DCMST Middle School Recruitment Visits
Mrs. Parks and student volunteers will conduct informational meetings for advanced 7th and 8th grade advanced math students as follows: Unis Dec. 18 All other Middle School visits have already been completed.
DCMST Conferences this week
DCMST will be holding Fall Conferences on Monday, October 15th from 3-6 PM as well as Wednesday, October 17th from 4-7 PM. All DCMST teachers will be located in the Gym of the Dearborn Heights Campus.

Order your DCMST t-shirts!
We are now taking orders for this year's DCMST shirt sale! Congratulations to Malk Shukr for this year's winning design. If you are interested in ordering, please see a teacher to get an order form, or print the attached form yourself. All forms and payment must be...
2018-19 Legal Announcements Now Available
The law requires the Dearborn Public Schools to provide parents or guardians a set of legal announcements containing information on laws pertaining to students and parents. All parents and guardians are encouraged to take a moment and review the document. The updated...
DCMST Open House Wednesday, Sept. 5, 6-7:30 pm
All teachers will meet with parents in their classrooms to answer general questions regarding course content and expectations. Teachers will be able to provide more specific information about individual students at our upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences in...