DCMST School News

Jennifer Gorsline

Congratulations to School Brebas Challenge Winners!

Congratulations to the following students! Senior Division Winner Saleh Shuaibi with a score of 156 points Junior Division 4th hour Top Scorer Elias Mohieddin with a score of 104 points Junior Division 5th hour Top Scorer Yara Idris with a score of 132 points Junior...

Student Test-Out Information

Here is the link to the 2022-23 Winter World Language Test-Out Registration Form that students must fill out to request a testout. The dates for each building are listed below. The deadline for submission is Monday, November 14 at 3:00pm. EFHS- Monday, November 21  at...

Letter from Wayne County Prosecutor about School Violence

Please read the attached letter from Wayne Country Prosecutor Kym Worthy about students making comments/jokes/threats about school violence. Prosecutor-Worthy-School-Threat-Letter-2021-EnglishDownload Prosecutor-Worthy-School-Threat-Letter-2021-ArabicDownload

DCMST Open House Tonight!

DCMST Open House Tonight!

The DCMST welcomes all parents to attend our IN-PERSON Open House on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022.  All teachers will be available in their classrooms from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.  We will not be running on a schedule, and you may come and go as you wish.  Below is a list...