Greetings, On Tuesday, March 11 at 8:30am we will host an informational meeting regarding the incident and the threat to Howe School at the Michael Berry Campus. Danielle Elzayat, Director of Safety and Security will be here with information and to address any...
Jennifer Gorsline
Howe School Incident
Dear Parents/Guardians, I am writing to inform you about information that was shared with me on Thursday evening regarding threatening comments posted on social media that included Howe School. . The Dearborn Heights Police Chief contacted me this evening to...
Congratulations to DCMST Science Fair Participants
Last Friday, the DCMST AP Research students participated in the DCMST Science Fair. Thank you to all of the judges who gave incredible feedback to our students: Dr. Arlo Clark-Foos, Zach Darkowski, Mario Foley, Matthew Gorsline, Yassmine Majed, and Sara Moughni. The...
DCMST Winter Conferences Tuesday, March 4th 1-4 pm
This Winter' Parent-Teacher Conferences at DCMST will take place on Tuesday, March 4th from 1 – 4 pm in the Dearborn Heights Campus Gym. Please enter our building through Door 20 and the gym will be straight down the main DCMST hallway past Mr. Singley’s and Mrs....
DCMST Final Exam Schedule
Next week is the final week of the first semester. Students will be following the schedule below. Morning Classes (11th and 12th graders only!) Monday - 1st Hour: 8:05-8:45 2nd Hour: 8:50-9:30 3rd Hour: 9:35-10:45 (longer 3rd hour for final exam time) Tuesday - Normal...
DCMST Final Exam Technology Policy
We recognize that cell phones and smart watches are regularly brought into school. In order to maintain the security of our testing sessions, as well as to reduce distractions for others, we are discouraging students from bringing their phones, smart watches,...
Conferences Date Correction
Apologies, the previous post had the wrong date for Conferences, which are tomorrow, Tuesday November 12th from 1-7 PM.
DCMST Parent Teacher Conferences Fall 2024
This Fall's Parent-Teacher Conferences at DCMST will take place on Tuesday, November 12th from 1 - 7pm in the Dearborn Heights Campus Gym. Please enter our building through Door 20 and the gym will be straight down the main DCMST hallway past Mr. Singley's and Mrs....

DCMST Open House
All schools will be having their open house this Friday, August 23 from 1:30 - 3:00 pm. DCMST recommends that 11th and 12th grade parents come to our building between 1:30 - 2:00 pm and 9th and 10th grade parents come between 2:00 - 3:00 pm, however we welcome all...

Congratulations to DECA National Competition Winner Zaynib Ahmad!
DCMST students Zaynib Ahmad won the Gold Merit Award at DECA Nationals last month and was awarded with an outstanding project award on the international stage in Anaheim, California. She had to complete 22 projects, 5 of which were gold outreach projects in the...