DCMST School News

Congratulations to DCMST Science Fair Participants

Last Friday, the DCMST AP Research students participated in the DCMST Science Fair. Thank you to all of the judges who gave incredible feedback to our students: Dr. Arlo Clark-Foos, Zach Darkowski, Mario Foley, Matthew Gorsline, Yassmine Majed, and Sara Moughni. The following students were awarded top prizes in their categories:

  • Saleh Abouarabi, First Place in the category of Health Science/Biomedical Science/Biomedical Engineering with his project titled Sensory Feedback enabled Cost-effective Transradial Prosthetic Arm
  • Nour Dakhlallah, First Place in the category of Biology/Environmental Science/Environmental Engineering with her project titled Microplastics on Farms in the Great Lakes Region
  • Hassan Murtada, First Place in the category of Adult Human Behavior with his project titled Comparing Gut Health in Arab American and White American Alzheimer’s Patients: The Impact of Lifestyle Choices
  • Nolan Sirrine, First Place in the category of Adult Human Behavior with his project titled Drivers’ Behavior when Interacting with Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons
  • Ahmed Elmadari, First Place in the category of Adolescent Human Behavior with his project titled The Effect of Sleep Quality on Academic Performance Among AP/Honors Students Compared to Regular High School Students.
  • Yara Z Idris, Second Place in the category of Adolescent Human Behavior with her project titled Shifts in Coping Strategies for Test Anxiety During and After COVID-19 in Arab Americans
  • Nawar Mohamad, Third Place in the category of Adolescent Human Behavior with his project titled Comparing the efficacies of energy drinks, coffee, and tea in terms of energy levels, mood, and sleep.
  • Mariam Habhab, Honorable Mention in the category of Adolescent Human Behavior with her project titled Lunch time affecting Academic performance in middle and high school students

Congratulations again to all of the participants. All AP Research students will be attending the Science and Engineering Fair of Metro Detroit next week Wednesday in Downtown Detroit.