DCMST School News

Exchange Student Opportunity


Youth for Understanding USA is looking for some local families to host high school exchange students for the next school year or semester.  Host families provide a place to live and three meals a day plus the encouragement, advice, and love to help their new family member through a semester or year in a new home. The students bring their own spending money and health insurance plus the willingness to be a good family member, follow family rules and help out with family responsibilities. All kinds of families host, with and without children of all ages. Hosting is a rewarding experience that creates lifelong connections. Hosting is real life- It’s cooking dinner together, raking leaves on Saturday morning, school activities and homework, holiday preparations, some rainy afternoons, days together of work, school, chores, family life, worship… Seen through the fresh eyes of someone new, it all takes on a new significance. Please get in touch with us, if you would like to see if hosting (or sending a student on exchange) might be right for your family. Call Debbie Bledsoe at 248-468-9108 or email dbledsoe@yfu.org or visit https://yfuusa.org/ (where you can see specific students who are arriving in August).

STUDY ABROAD – Scholarships available.

As a YFU student, you’ll become a part of a host family, appreciate the nuances of a foreign language, and test your confidence in new situations. YFU’s study abroad programs transform who you are and permanently change the way you see the world. YFU study abroad programs are for you if you’re a U.S. high school student or recent graduate and want to experience another part of the world. Choose from a year, semester, summer program or classroom excursion that allow you to immerse yourself in another culture, learn a new language and live with a host family who will open their home and hearts to you.


Hosting:   www.yfuusa.org/host

Study Abroad: www.yfuusa.org/study

Volunteer:  www.yfuusa.org/volunteer

Telephone: 1.800.TEENAGE (833-6243)