DCMST School News

Research/Science Fair Updates

This year, the DCMST Science Fair will be held on Friday, December 12th.  Students that are currently in 10th grade research class or in an 11th or 12th grade Directed Study class should be well on their way with their projects.  By Monday, December 1st, all 10th grade students are required to have their data collected and analyzed, giving their teachers time to provide feedback before the preliminary poster boards are due, which is the following Monday, December 8th.  If you currently have a student who is in the 10th grade at DCMST, please encourage them to finish their analysis on time so that they will have the best chance at being successful at the Science Fair.  11th and 12th grade Directed Study students are not required to participate in DCMST’s science fair, but are encouraged to so that they can get feedback from judges prior to the Science and Engineering Fair of Metro Detroit, which is held at Cobo Hall in March.  The most successful 10th grade projects at our science fair will also be invited to participate in the SEFMD at Cobo Hall.